Anna 347 429 64 53 - Frans 346 646 4558



Welcome to our website!


Our Astanga Yoga practices are held mainly in Verona, in the area called Borgo Milano (10 mins bike from piazza Bra, close to one of the exits of the highways), very easy to reach by bike, bus and by car (much parking possibilities). Once a week we also guide a practice in Cisano, by lake Garda.


We have introductory courses for beginners and traditional Mysore style classes for everybody else, as we try to stick to the way this method of yoga is taught and practiced in India, earlier by Guruji Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and now by Sharath ( We ourselves are students of Radha and Pierre, former students of Guruji and founders of


If you’re looking for our schedule please go to the page “dove e quando” then click on the link “orari e costi”. We hope to see you soon on the mat!



Anna and Frans